If you're anything like me then you love the soft, warm, flickering light that a candle creates. Even better if it's got a subtle aroma too. Nothing better than soaking away the week with a long soak in a candle lit bath while reading your favorite book.
We know that not all candles are healthy. No one wants to inhale vapourised Parraffin or lead and other heavy metals from candle wicks, which is common in the cheap store bought candles, especially those little white tealights, you know the ones. Then there are those brightly coloured ones with that relaxing "FRAGRANCE" which really is code for "CHEMICAL NIGHTMARE" and is not reason to relax but more like RUN THE OTHER WAY!! Here's the scoop on that Fragrance by The Environmental Working Group. Often people are opting for Soy wax candles in the search for a better option but even that poses some problems as most Soy candles generally also contain parrafin and most Soy now a days is GMO and that isn't something that we want to encourage. All these toxins from these nasty candles can lead to some serious health issues including endocrine disruption (aka messing with your hormones), allergies, central nervous system toxicity of which your brain is the major component and it goes on and on...
You want to stay healthy and there's just so many candles out there that you don't even know where to start!
It's all good, just BREATHE...... We've got your back!
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