I grew up in an era where list making was left to the domain of the super organised.
That was till the 90's when those that could, did.
I remember having a housemate that wrote lists all the time. In fact our apartment was covered in lists, little yelllow "Post It Notes" everywhere. They were in the bathroom, on the vanity, the toilet cistern, on the cupboards in the kitchen, on the dining table, the dresser. In fact, it turned out that our housemate had mental health issues and the "little yellow notes" were a sign that it was all heading south. Who would have guessed it??
When I had my first business in the early 90's, a Hairdressing Salon, I realized that lists were good, great in fact! A fantastic way of getting ideas and mental trains of thought into black and white, or blue onto yellow as it turned out. But these were "To Do Lists" and "Wish Lists" but some how over the years and yes there have been many since then, things have changed.
Lists, apparently now, are "Bucket Lists". That is, lists of things to Do, See, or Own before one "Kicks The Bucket". I must have missed the memo, but since when did "He who SEES/DOES the most wins", or "He who OWNS the most wins"?
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