More than two years after leading health and parents' groups asked Johnson & Johnson to reformulate its flagship baby shampoo 'No More Tears', to remove a cancer-causing chemical,(i) the company is still using formaldehyde-releasing preservatives in Johnson's Baby Shampoo in some countries (including AUSTRALIA), while formulas sold in other countries are free of these chemicals, according to this analysis conducted by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. The Environmental Working Group's 'Campaign For Safe Cosmetics', which blossom is a member of, found that Johnson's Baby Shampoo sold in the United States, Australia, Canada, China and Indonesia contains quaternium-15, while Johnson's Baby Shampoo sold in Denmark, Finland, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Sweden and the U.K. contain non-formaldehyde preservatives.
Read moreJohnson & Johnson and Cancer
Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo